
Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is MRP?

What is MRP? MRP is a cross-platform mobile application format compiled with ANSI /C. It is SKY's wholly-owned special game and application format with independent intellectual property rights which is now widely used in domestic mobiles. Currently it has over 200 application programs including PC games, online games, E-books, music, pictures, themes, chatting tools and so on. Users can directly download MRP PC games, mobile online games, mobile QQ, MSN, Kaiyue, English-Chinese dictionary, music player and other mobile softwares to enjoy the fun of intelligent mobile so long as they have MRP platform-embedded mobiles. MRP Platform: MRP platform is SKY- MOBI's home-grown mobile application platform on which various MRP applications are run. This platform features superior application-driven performance that can smoothly run games and various applications even in harsh hardware environment. It offers many ways to store games, such as embedding mobile games in ROM, or storing mobile games in FlashRom. It also supports wireless download of games. Its storage space requirement is very limited, roughly 1/6 of that of common JAVA virtual machine. The file is only 1/3 as large as equivalent JAVA games. MRP platform is truly a platform that can be used anywhere once it is developed successfully in one time. All application programs are compiled with ANSI /C and all products developed have completely independent intellectual property rights. Since 2003, this platform has been adapted to all mobile hardware solutions. Thanks to its high reliability in business usage and extended applications, it has now become the most mainstream application software platform for domestic mobiles. FAQ of MRP: 1. How can I know whether my mobile supports MRP format or not? A: Currently there are four ways: ①Check whether your mobile game has a function of [Update list]. If yes, then very possibly your mobile can support MRP application. If not, then very possibly your mobile cannot support MRP application. ②Check your mobile flash disc directory to see whether there is a non-created [mulgame], [mythroad] or [mrapp] file. If yes, then your mobile can possible support MRP application. If not, then your mobile possibly cannot support MRP application. ③In standby mode or against desktop background, simply press "*#220807#"(quotation marks excluded) to see whether the mobile has any response (i.e. directly open a game list or open a web page). If yes, then very possibly your mobile can support MRP application. If not, then very possibly your mobile cannot support MRP application. ④If when opening the game list there appears words like "Please wait……" and it takes a short while to enter the game list, then very possible the mobile can support MRP application. If you can directly enter the game list without such an interval, then very possibly the mobile cannot support MRP application. 2. Do I need to pay for the download of MRP games? A: The download of MRP games is free of charge. Some games are charged in registration subject to specific situations. Currently games are charged at a rate between 1.5 Yuan and 4 Yuan. Certainly there are also many free E-books and games. 3. Where can I get MRP applications if my mobile can support MRP games? A: If your mobile can support MRP application, then you can get MRP applications through two ways. One is to update application list through [Update List] and then download these applications via the list. The other is to download these applications via 『User BBS』. Currently 『User BBS』 is the only official release channel of SKY which collects all MRP applications. It is also the release channel of the latest applications.
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  1. I hope you know about .mrp flash game .

    I downloaded it but flash file didn't loaded.
    What can I do?
    Please give me a proper way.
    My email mafuskhan31@gmail.com

    Please sir.
    I will have been waiting for your response.
